Picture of Minghao Xie

Office: E2-211/213
mhxie «at» ucsc·edu

Minghao Xie

I am a computer engineering Ph.D. student at Baskin Engineering School, UC Santa Cruz. Before, I got my B.E. degree in Computer Science from Sichuan University, China. 

I am fortunate to be advised by Chen Qian and Heiner Litz. My research interests revolve around computer networks and systems. My current work focuses on flash storage disaggregation within data centers as part of the Center for Research in Storage Systems (CRSS) at UCSC. I enjoy building real systems that are scalable, deliver high performance, and which are easy to use.

Publications since 2020-07-16

Collaborators since 2020-07-16

Litz, Heiner 05/22/2023   Link
Liu, Yi 05/22/2023   Link
Qian, Chen 05/22/2023   Link
Shi, Shouqian 05/22/2023   Link
Xie, Minghao 05/22/2023   Link
Last modified Oct 25 2021