News for 2014
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This is a list of CRSS news items for 2014. For more details on a particular news item, please click on the item's link.
Jan. 21, 2014:
Ethan Miller featured in article on Big Data
March 30, 2014:
The SSRC seminar series for Spring 2014 will be held on Mondays at 1:00 PM in E2-599, starting on March 31st.
April 23, 2014:
Yan Li has won the 2014 Symantec Research Labs Graduate Fellowship
May 21, 2014:
The SSRC / CRSS retreat agenda and presentations are available online (password required)
Aug. 28, 2014:
The CRSS / SSRC seminar series for Fall 2014 will be held on Mondays at 1:00 PM in E2-599, starting on October 6th.
Sept. 18, 2014:
The UC Santa Cruz Computer Science Department has an opening for an Assistant Professor with a focus in experimental computer systems!
Sept. 24, 2014:
Professor Ethan Miller appointed inaugural Symantec Presidential Chair in Storage and Security
Nov. 24, 2014:
Ethan Miller named IEEE Fellow for his contributions to the design of file and storage systems.