Picture of Lokesh Jaliminche

Office: E2 381
ljalimin «at» ucsc·edu

Lokesh Jaliminche

Lokesh is a fifth-year Ph.D. student, advised by Prof. Heiner Litz. His research interests revolve around Storage Systems, Distributed Systems, and applied Machine learning to improve QoS. Currently, he is investigating the impact of emerging interconnect technology, specifically Compute Express Link and Solid State Drives.

Publications since 2020-07-16

Collaborators since 2020-07-16

Chakraborttii, Chandranil (Nil) 10/30/2023   Link
Choi, Changho 03/11/2024   Link
Jaliminche, Lokesh 03/11/2024   Link
Kang, Yangwook 03/11/2024   Link
Litz, Heiner 03/11/2024   Link
Mehra, Pankaj 03/11/2024   Link
Last modified Oct 13 2023